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Covenant Pines Ministries

June CPM Values Highlight

Our Guest Service Director at Adventurous Christians, Lina Swanson shares a message about  about practicing our value Live Good Stewardship. This is the fifth in a series where we will be sharing how we at CPM live into our six core values. 


Live Good Stewardship


“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20) This is one of the bible verses that come to mind when I think of CPM’s core value “Live Good Stewardship”. At AC we get the chance to envelop ourselves in God’s creation and see and God’s wonder and power through it. Watching the sunset from a big rock on the edge of a lake or snowshoeing through snow covered trees, I am always reminded of God’s intentionality and care for this world that he has made.

Along with the opportunity to enjoy creation close up, we also have a responsibility to help care for creation. Lessening human impact on the wilderness areas helps it to thrive and be around for many more generations to experience. While on canoe trips in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness we practice “leave no trace” wilderness ethics. These guidelines help us to minimize the effects of human travel through the woods.

When thinking about stewardship, I also think about how faithful God has been in providing physical resources like equipment and gear that are needed for retreats and canoe trips. This spring we were blessed by all the Portage Partner donations that made it possible for us to update our lifejackets, paddles and other trail gear. In order to be good stewards of these resources, so they can last as long as the ones we are replacing, we take great effort to care of our gear and equipment and teaching our guests the proper way to use and care for equipment as well.

To read our previous value highlights, click below: 

Intentionally Jesus Focused

People Over Projects 

Reflect and Cultivate Diversity

Open, Honest, Direct Communication
