We want to hear how Covenant Pines Ministries (CPM) has impacted your life. Your story is important. Your story is meaningful. Your story is why these ministries exist. AC, CPBC, Silver Beach, and Day Camp are meant to be a part of your journey with Jesus. We want to hear about that part of your journey. You may think your story is simple and unexciting, but every story about someone’s walk with God is worth telling.
So here’s what we’re asking: write down your CPM story and send it to us. The winner will receive $100 of their next registration for ANY event or rental at ANY CPM ministry. We will also declare 4 runner-ups in 4 different age categories: 3rd – 5th Grade, 6th – 8th Grade, 9-12th Grade, and Adults. The 4 runner-ups will be awarded $50 off their next CPM registration.
Essay Rules
- By submitting an essay, you agree to let Covenant Pines Ministries redistribute it in whole or in part for promotional purposes. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate that when submitting your essay.
- When submitting the essay, please indicate your age.
- Essays must be at least one page in length, using 12 pt font and 1.5 line spacing.
- Essays must be submitted NO LATER THAN MARCH 1ST.
- Submit essays to tate@covenantpines.org
Essay Guidelines
Below is a suggested outline to help tell your CPM story:
Write about what your life looked like before camp.
Write about your experience at camp.
Write about what your life looks like after camp and how your experience changed/shifted your life and brought you closer to God.
Campers come to camp expecting to move… walking between buildings, running during games, swimming in the lake and paddling in canoes. Movement is foundational to what camp is. Campers are continuously on the move…one step after another…
But a different type of movement is also occurring – a movement of the heart. In ways we can’t understand, the camp setting is often the place of decision in a person’s life. It is the place where campers take a Next Step in their faith journey. For some, the Next Step is a first step in response to the gospel message. For others, the Next Step is furthering their call to be a Jesus follower. No matter where campers fall on the continuum, camp calls them to take a Next Step.
It’s now your opportunity to take a Next Step. I ask that you take the Next Step to financially support Covenant Pines Ministries. Your gift ensures that campers will be challenged to grow in their faith…to take a Next Step as they grow in their understanding of Jesus. Your gift will support the counselors, staff, trail guides and speakers as they come alongside campers. It is my prayer that all campers will take a Next Step.
Dave Cairns
Executive Director
We have set a goal of $75,000 to be raised for Covenant Pines Ministries prior to Dec. 31st.
2016 was a great year for Adventurous Christians. We had a blast with Winter Wilderness Retreats. We had a record number of Canoe Groups. We said goodbye to Mike & Nicole Nelson. We welcomed Brad & Brooke Shannon. Take a look at the video below to see a recap of this amazing year.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” – 1 Peter 2:9
At our MEA Retreat, we revealed our summer theme. We’re calling it “Royals” and we’ll be looking at 1 Peter 2:9.
We had some fun by giving out Theme Clues over the past few weeks. If you’re curious, check out the clues here!
If you want more information about our summer programs like dates, age groups, and prices, click here.
THE THEME HAS BEEN REVEALED! The clues are still below if you want to check them out. Scroll down to see the answers!
One clue by itself will not be enough to figure out the theme. But if you put the clues together, you can figure it out! Below are the clues so far (you may want to use good ol’ Google to help you):
“εὐαγγέλιον” and “επιστολές”
“I traveled with Jesus. It was pretty sweet. One time I told him he couldn’t wash my feet.
In the Testament, not Old, but New, I wrote some books. Maybe three? Maybe two?
Somewhere in the one I wrote first, is where you’ll find the summer theme verse.”
There are codes like this all over your schools and probably in your house, but it’s likely you never notice them. Some codes are 10 digits long and some are 13. Both of the codes below will lead you to the same place
Clue #1
Those words are Greek. They translate into “gospel” and “epistles.” The gospels and the epistles make up the New Testament.
Clue #2
The rhyme is talking about the Apostle Peter. He wrote 2 books in the New Testament, 1 Peter and 2 Peter. The one he wrote first was 1 Peter.
Clue #3
Those are ISBN numbers. Simply pasting one of those numbers into Google should lead you to a history book about The 1600s.
Clue #4
Those actors are George Clooney and Elizabeth Banks. Their first names are very important: George & Elizabeth
Clue #5
Those cartoons in the middle are characters from famous nursery rhymes. They are surrounded by pictures of bridges. Can you think of a famous nursery rhyme about a bridge? How about London Bridge is Falling Down?