Your Gift Will Help Send Kids to Camp! If you want to participate in the 2018 5K, click here.

The Story

I was running the other day and an image popped into my head. The image was of a dad running his kids to camp. They were on his back and he was literally running them to camp. I felt like I knew this fictional dad; his entire backstory. I knew that he and his wife worked very hard to provide for their kids yet struggled to make ends meet. I knew that the growth and happiness of their kids was the highest priority to him. It was clear that this dad was motivated. He was willing to do whatever it took to get his kids up here for a week at Summer Camp.

The image didn’t pop into my head out of nowhere. I decided to start running up here a few months ago. I was inspired by a few friends and family members that ran the Twin Cities marathon last October. I was playing around with the idea of running a marathon this summer. But I knew that I wanted to run for a reason. As I prayed about a cause that I could run for, the only thing that struck a real chord was camp scholarships.

“I knew that I wanted to run for a reason. As I prayed about a cause that I could run for, the only thing that struck a real chord was camp scholarships.”

When I was 7 years old, my two brothers and I boarded a school bus to camp. My mom had packed our stuff. I had packed my stuffed elephant (pictured right). That was the first of many weeks I would spend at camp. The next summer, I committed to being a follower of Jesus. A few years later I made my first video during skill time. Later, I developed a genuine love for God’s word. In my High School years I learned the value of open and real conversations. On summer staff, I felt God calling me into full-time ministry.

“Camp changed my life… None of it would have been possible without camp scholarships.”

Camp changed my life; in huge spiritual ways that shaped my whole worldview, and in smaller ways like watching a counselor play drums and wanting to learn. None of it would have been possible without camp scholarships. Sending 3 kids to camp would not have been possible for my family without the generosity of scholarship donors. The dad from my image is fictional. But I know there are many parents out there who would literally run their kids to camp because they believe in the power of this place. There are parents who want to invest in the spiritual development of their children. There are parents who are doing whatever it takes to get them here.

“I imagine that every step I take out on a run is literally bringing a kid one step closer to camp.”

So I’ve decided to run the Minneapolis Marathon and raise scholarship funds throughout my training. When I’m not motivated to run or it’s difficult and I want to quit, I imagine that dad. I imagine that every step I take out on a run is literally bringing a kid one step closer to camp. Will you give to this cause today? Will you help those parents who want nothing more than to give their kids a one-of-a-kind experience with their Creator? I ask you to prayerfully consider giving towards this marathon. Your gift will change lives.

$2,300 Raised

Wear Your Camp Swag. Get $100 off Summer Camp.

Do you have some camp swag? Do you still have the theme shirt from your first summer at CPBC? Do you proudly sport your volunteer T Shirt? Do you have several versions of the classic, “Covenant Pines” crew-neck?  We want you to show us how die hard you are!

Spring Break season is upon us. Many of you will be traveling to far away places. Some of you are staying home. Regardless of how you’re spending your Spring Break, be sure to pack  your CPBC Swag because you could get $100 off the cost of a summer camp session.


Take a picture of you wearing your clothes. Post it on Instagram, Twitter, or facebook and using #CovPinesSwag. That’s it! The winner will be selected based on creativity and cool landmarks in the background. If you’re staying home for Spring Break that’s fine! There’s still plenty of ways you can be creative here in Minnesota.


If you win and you bring a CPBC First-Timer to camp this summer, then that friend gets $100 off too!

We will announce the winner sometime in mid April.

The sun beats down on your face. You stop paddling for a quick break. The sudden lack of motion causes a soothing silence. You take sip of water from your Nalgene. The silence gives way to the sound of waves gently bumping into the metal canoe. Birds chirp overhead. The persistent buzzing of summer insects makes it’s way across the lake. You’re warm. You’re sweaty. You’re exhausted. And you’re 100% in the moment. Thoughts of school, sports, and all things routine are far from your mind. All you’re thinking about is your canoe, the lake, the trees, your trip companions, and the God who created it all. That is The Crossover.

We are very excited to offer this trips-based camping experience at Adventurous Christians for the first time ever. For 6 days you will experience the Power of God and the Love of Christ as you canoe through the Boundary Waters with your group. You sign up as an individual just like you would when registering for a Junior High week of summer camp. You’ll get on the bus, travel to CPBC, and have lunch. From there you’ll hop in a van and drive up keep driving up to Adventurous Christians, just north of Grand Marais, MN. You’ll spend the first day on site. You’ll get to know your traveling companions and go through some basic orientation. On day two the group sets out for the most memorable week of your summer. The trip guides at AC will be there for guidance and expertise. The staff will not only provide camping guidance, but spiritual wisdom. The staff does all of this for one reason; to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Start your adventure today.

Senior High Trip: July 25-30

Junior High Trip: Aug 1-6

We are very excited to introduce the 2016 Day Camp Director, Luke Korthuis. Luke has plethora of camp and youth ministry experience. After working on staff at Lake Beauty Bible Camp for several years, he is now the Youth Director at Roseville Covenant Church. We know that God will use his knowledge and passion to change lives this summer! Below is a brief message from Luke:

“Hi! My name is Luke Korthuis and I have the amazing opportunity to serve at Covenant Pines as the Day Camp Director! I have served in camping and youth ministry for the last 6 years. I. LOVE. CAMP! And you will too, after this summer’s Day Camp! Also, I love Captain America, summer, ultimate frisbee, and my Chaco sandals. We’ll see you at Day Camp this summer!”

Recharge is a one day conference for youth and children’s ministry leaders. Hundreds of people from a variety of denominations attend to get “recharged” for their ministry. Dave and I set up an AC booth at two of these Recharge events over the past month, with a third planned for later in February.

We had great conversations with a lot of new folks about AC Canoe Trips and Wilderness Retreats. We had a drawing for a free Scout Pack from Duluth  Pack for anyone who was willing to throw their name and email into the jar. The free prize seemed to draw a lot of people in and we were able to tell them all about AC! If you’re interested in an AC Canoe Trip or bringing a group up for a Wilderness Retreat, give us a call! Mike & Nicole Nelson would be happy to talk to you about what AC can do for your ministry, family, or friend group. Their number is 218.388.2286.

We were also able to connect with plenty of old friends from many different Covenant Churches around MN. The picture above was taken at the Covenant Lunch gathering that took place at the Eden Prairie event.

Pray that God would use our conversations to bring more people to AC this year!

-Tate Randall, Marketing Director
