I don’t know about you, but I always struggle to find my Dad a gift for Father’s Day.

It’s not that my Dad is picky. It’s actually the opposite. He doesn’t seem to care at all. I could probably get away with coloring him a picture. He would say that spending time with me is what’s really important. But I want to get him something because he’s a great dad. I want to get him something that makes him happy and is meaningful in a lasting way. How do I do that? With a tie? A kitchen accessory? Another ugly sweater?

The other day I read an article about the psychology of spending. The main point was that we are more likely to find lasting fulfillment when we spend on experiences rather than material possessions. It kind of sounds like a no-brainer, right? But it was interesting how the article broke it down. Basically, a guy named Dr. Thomas Gilovich, a psychology professor at Cornell University, has found that happiness associated with purchased items goes down over time while happiness associated with life experiences goes up over time. He even found this even to be true of extremely negative experiences. Overtime, we can come to see these negative experiences as trials that have shaped us. At the very least we get a fun story to tell our friends. But even if you are 100% satisfied with your new 4k TV, you will likely be sick of it 5 years from now when it’s old and the quality is pathetic compared to the 15k TVs of 2020. I want to give my Dad something where his satisfaction with it will increase over time.

What about meaningful? How can I give my Dad a gift that will mean something for more than a few months? Below is one very interesting quote from Dr. Gilovich:

“Our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material goods. You can really like your material stuff. You can even think that part of your identity is connected to those things, but nonetheless they remain separate from you. In contrast, your experiences really are part of you. We are the sum total of our experiences.”

As a Christian I see the word “identity” and I immediately think “in Christ.” So when I read this quote I thought about my own identity as a Christian. Or, rather, I thought about how I gained my identity as a Christian. My faith journey is filled with stories, not things. My identity has been formed through experiences, not possessions. The events of my life formed and shaped me into the person I am today. Many of those experiences include trips, conferences, and camp. I have a few possessions that are pretty significant like my camera, or my guitar. Those items represent key parts of who I am. But, it is my experiences with those things that have really shaped my identity. I bet my dad would say the same about his experiences. What could be more meaningful than giving him something that becomes a part of who he is?

So I’ve decided that I’m not going to buy my Dad anyTHING for Father’s Day. I’m going to give him an experience. I want to give my dad something that makes him happy and is meaningful. I’m going to see if he wants to go to Men’s Retreat. It’s a 2.5 day experience. He will share this experience with other men. He’ll have the chance to goof around, play basketball, enjoy all of our outdoor elements, or just relax. More importantly, he’ll truly connect with other guys, form closer friendships, and enhance his relationship with God. I’m not saying Dad can’t grow closer to God or learn more about himself through a new tie or a Grill Master’s Playbook Vol. 4. But my guess is that God is more likely to speak to him through an experience like Men’s Retreat. It will become a part of him and he will remember it fondly for the rest of his life.

Consider Men’s Retreat as a gift for your Dad (or husband). Sign him up today for $104.

AC is currently at the point of breaking ground for our much needed retreat building after 20 long months of planning.  The time, work, and energy that has gone into this careful preparation is now reaching fruition. The estimated timeline is to have the foundation ready by July, to have the building enclosed by fall, and to have it ready for occupancy by Christmas. Financially we are $40-50,000 shy of our estimation. If you are looking for a new cause to give or you feel the Lord move you to give to this campaign, please go to the AC website and learn how you can help. We thank those who have committed financial and who have participated in our programming. Finally, keep AC in your prayers as we move into the building stages.

Summer is a crazy fun time at camp. We want you to stay informed! There are plenty of ways to do that.

Follow Us:

Did you know Covenant Pines Bible Camp has a facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Follow us on all three of these to see pictures and read about what’s going on.

Check In With Our Summer Blog:

This summer we will be bringing you news with blog updates everyday! That’s right EVERYDAY! We want you to know what’s going on. Whether that’s what games we’re playing, what food we ate, or a great story about how a campers came closer to God. Many of our summer staff will contribute to this blog so you’ll experience a variety of perspectives on what camp is like. The links to blog posts will often be sent out on facebook, or Twitter.

Join Our Email List:

Giving us your email address is a great way to get lots of quick information about what’s going on at CPBC. At the beginning of every month we send out a Newsletter which contains news updates about camp as well as some upcoming events that you might know about. You might also receive emails with special deals, contests, and discounts! The more information you give us about who you are, the more relevant your emails will be. Sign up today!

On April 23rd, delegates from many of our Churches attended the Annual Meeting for Covenant Pines Ministries (CPM).

At the meeting, Director of Covenant Pines Bible Camp, Matt Braun, and Director of Adventurous Christians, Mike Nelson, both shared about this past year in ministry. Those in attendance enjoyed some Famous Dave’s while listening to testimonies of the power of these ministries from past campers and staff.

Board member, Geoff Woodbury, gave a brief overview of the financial reports for all of the ministries. When a delegate asked about the overall financial health of CPM, Geoff stated that all four ministries are in good health. Praise God for providing for these ministries year after year!

Mike Nelson, Director of Adventurous Christians (AC), shared what God has been doing this past year on the beautiful Gunflint Trail. The AC staff are very excited for the upcoming summer season. Mike encouraged member churches to take advantage of AC more often as either a retreat destination for relaxing in the winter, or a challenging canoe trip in the summer. To learn more about what’s going on at AC, read their most recent newsletter and follow them on Facebook. 

Matt Braun, Director of Covenant Pines Bible Camp, also shared about the past year in ministry. Matt invited Marketing Director, Tate Randall, Program Director, Holly Larson, Guest Services Director, Angie Sampson, and Maintenance Director, Scott Shoemaker, to share with the group a prayer request and also what they’re excited about for the future of Covenant Pines. To keep in touch with Covenant Pines Bible Camp, sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Toward the end of the meeting we all had to say goodbye to two of our Board Members. Geoff Woodbury and Sarah Swanson have served their terms faithfully. We are sad to see them go, but we’re certain that they will continue to serve these ministries in a less formal fashion. Because of these two vacancies and another unfilled spot on the Board, three new members were unanimously voted to join the team. We’re happy to welcome Latoya Jackson, Herman Saul, and Bill Cranford to the Board of Directors.

Women’s Retreat is a Great Gift for Your Mom or Wife.

Every September, Covenant Pines undergoes a little bit of a makeover. Just a few weeks removed from the controlled chaos of youth camps in the summer, the staff and women’s committee get busy preparing for the biggest weekend of the year; Women’s Retreat.

We spare no expense and we leave no stone unturned. Every year it is our pleasure to treat the Women of Minnesota to 2.5 days of rest, play, worship, and fellowship. It has become a spiritual priority in many women’s lives. In the video below, Annette shares that there’s so much coming at her at home. The Covenant Pines Women’s Retreat offers her a chance to “just dwell.” Sonja, another woman in the video, loves the chance to get to know other women from her church. She says it’s rare to find extended, quality time with these friends.

There’s a lot on a mom’s plate. Like Annette said, moms deserve a chance to “just dwell.” Consider giving your mom (or wife) a weekend away. Dads, take the kids for a weekend and give your wife this time. She deserves it. The retreat is September 25-27. If you register now, you’ll get our early bird discount and give her this weekend for as little as $104.

If you want to know more about what to expect over the weekend, visit our Women’s Retreat page, look at pictures from last year’s retreat, or watch this video.

Women’s Retreat from Covenant Pines Bible Camp on Vimeo.
