Senior High

SH1 Entering Grade 9-12 + SS; SH2 Entering Grade 9-12



Senior High 1Jun 23 - 28, 2025

Senior High 2Aug 4 - 9, 2025


$575Senior High with Early Bird

$625Senior High

Registration for Summer 2025 opens November 1, 2024.

Save $50 when you pay in full by February 15th.

senior high

“This is a place where you can be yourself and everybody there will admire it.” -Tommy, Senior High Camper

As you grow up, camp grows up with you. Senior High is not like the camp you remember from middle school and elementary school. High School students are challenged by relevant speakers, powerful worship, and meaningful discussion with their friends and camp counselors. The extended time away from technology and social media allows campers to form genuine relationships that will last beyond just the week at camp. The games and activities are different and more intense. You’re also given more freedom than the little kids are. New to camp in 2025, Senior High 1 will be open to Super Seniors! Graduating Seniors will have the opportunity to experience camps joy one more time!

The above quote is from a young man who has been coming to camp since he was a little kid. When he was young he enjoyed the slip ‘n’ slide, swimming at the beach, and the craft hall. While he still enjoys those things now, he has changed, and camp has changed with him. We recognize that what High Schoolers want and need is different from what our young campers want and need. At Senior High you’ll get to enjoy the classic all-camp games, while also experiencing new games, tournaments, and challenges at a higher level of intensity.

Spiritually, high school students want and need to be in a safe place where they can ask tough questions. They also need to be challenged to closely evaluate their relationship with God and their place in His Kingdom. That’s what we do. Our Chapel services will be the most memorable worship experience of your life. The music and the messages will soften your heart and bring you to deeper understanding of God’s love for you.

Then, at the end of every night, you will get to hang out with your whole cabin and talk about God, His plan for your life, and His plan for this whole world. Another High School camper, Abe, when asked what he would say to someone who’s never been to bible camp before, replied,

“Your life will never be the same.”

That’s our hope for you. We hope this bible camp changes you in amazing ways by giving you life-long friendships, amazing memories, and a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

Please don’t let finances stand in the way of sending your child to camp. We have a scholarship fund and would love to use it to help you get your child to camp. Click here for more details.



Senior High Weeks are a lot different than the younger camps. There are a lot of special events, surprises, and more free time. Here’s a short list of things we do during the week.

  • All Camp Games
  • Craft Hall
  • Senior High Formal Banquet
  • The Giant Swing
  • Powder Puff
  • Staff v. Camper Dodgeball
  • Swimming Beach
  • The Red Shark
  • Crate Stacking
  • Boat Beach
  • Sailing
  • Camp Store
  • Special Events
SH 1 Speaker

Detra Miller!

SH2 Speaker

Sam Randall!
