Spring Portage Partners


Portage Partners

Spring 2024

Portage Partners are individuals and families that share in the cost and the labor of capital and programming improvements at Adventurous Christians. Our current need is replacing the dock and boardwalk .

After many years of faithful service our dock and boardwalk are coming to the close of their usefulness.But we have a plan! This summer we are piloting a new program for high schoolers. SALT is a service and community learning program for students going into 10th grade and up. They will work together with AC staff to learn the proper use of tools and concepts and then complete the rebuilding of the dock and boardwalk. The lessons from this experience will hopefully form a solid platform for future learning that will serve them as they go out and serve others well. The materials for this project are expected to run about $9000. There is still space so if you can think of anyone who may be interested, you should encourage them to sign up.


Any additional Portage Partner funds raised above the $9000 goal will be used to purchase additional programming equipment for our new SALT program. 


You can also mail your donation directly to Adventurous Christians for processing at the address below:

 Adventurous Christians
81 Bow Lake Rd.
Grand Marais, MN 55604
