Who We Are

Covenant Pines Ministries is comprised of four unique camping experiences.

Each ministry exists to encourage all campers to take a next step in Christian faith. We are owned and operated by the Covenant Churches of the Twin Cities.

In 1954, a group of Twin Cities Covenant Pastors got together and decided to buy land for the purpose of youth camping ministry. They found a spot in McGregor, MN, pooled their resources, and purchased the land. Covenant Pines Bible Camp was born. Over the years it expanded to do ministry for adults as well as youth.

CPBC also became a year-round ministry, serving people of all ages in all seasons of the year. In 1992, the land just to the Southwest of CPBC known as Silver Beach was purchased. It became our summer family area. In 2006, Adventurous Christians joined the family. AC had been owned and operated by the Northwest Conference of the Covenant Church for many years. In 2006 the Conference gave ownership of AC to Covenant Pines Bible Camp.

Then, in 2008, we began running Day Camps in various locations around the Twin Cities. Together, Covenant Pines Bible Camp, Silver Beach, Adventurous Christians, and Day Camp makeup Covenant Pines Ministries.

Church Affiliation

Covenant Pines Ministries is a part of the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC). We are owned and operated by about 45 Covenant churches throughout the Twin Cities. For more information about the ECC, visit their website. Click here for a list of our Twin Cities Covenant Churches.
