2016 was a great year for Adventurous Christians. We had a blast with Winter Wilderness Retreats. We had a record number of Canoe Groups. We said goodbye to Mike & Nicole Nelson. We welcomed Brad & Brooke Shannon. Take a look at the video below to see a recap of this amazing year.


“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” – 1 Peter 2:9

At our MEA Retreat, we revealed our summer theme. We’re calling it “Royals” and we’ll be looking at 1 Peter 2:9.


We had some fun by giving out Theme Clues over the past few weeks. If you’re curious, check out the clues here!

If you want more information about our summer programs like dates, age groups, and prices, click here.

THE THEME HAS BEEN REVEALED! The clues are still below if you want to check them out. Scroll down to see the answers!

One clue by itself will not be enough to figure out the theme. But if you put the clues together, you can figure it out! Below are the clues so far (you may want to use good ol’ Google to help you):


“εὐαγγέλιον” and “επιστολές”


“I traveled with Jesus. It was pretty sweet. One time I told him he couldn’t wash my feet.

In the Testament, not Old, but New, I wrote some books. Maybe three? Maybe two?

Somewhere in the one I wrote first, is where you’ll find the summer theme verse.”


There are codes like this all over your schools and probably in your house, but it’s likely you never notice them. Some codes are 10 digits long and some are 13. Both of the codes below will lead you to the same place



CLUE #4    



Clue #1

Those words are Greek. They translate into “gospel” and “epistles.” The gospels and the epistles make up the New Testament.

Clue #2

The rhyme is talking about the Apostle Peter. He wrote 2 books in the New Testament, 1 Peter and 2 Peter. The one he wrote first was 1 Peter.

Clue #3

Those are ISBN numbers. Simply pasting one of those numbers into Google should lead you to a history book about The 1600s.

Clue #4

Those actors are George Clooney and Elizabeth Banks. Their first names are very important: George & Elizabeth

Clue #5

Those cartoons in the middle are characters from famous nursery rhymes. They are surrounded by pictures of bridges. Can you think of a famous nursery rhyme about a bridge? How about London Bridge is Falling Down?

It was the last few minutes of our 2016 Women’s Retreat, and I was handing out silent auction items that had been won. I was exhausted after a long weekend, but was doing my best to remain cheerful as I wrapped up conversations with ladies as they headed home. A woman came to grab a silent auction item she had bid on, and we ended up having an extremely encouraging conversation. That talk was a reminder of why we all do what we do here at Covenant Pines Ministries. 

This woman has a first grader who attends Minnehaha Academy. After their annual “camp chapel,” her daughter came home enthusiastic and ready to go to CPBC for the first time. Hesitant but trusting, this mother allowed her daughter to attend Kids Kamp over the summer. Her daughter returned from camp with smiles and stories about all the fun and cool things she participated in and learned about.

After her daughter’s experience – this mother, who had never been to Covenant Pines before, felt like she needed to check the place out for herself, and decided to attend the Women’s Retreat in the fall. She attended with another mother from school, and they were allowed to experience the love of Christ for themselves at the Women’s Retreat. But the beautiful thing about this story is that not only was this woman able to get away with a friend, feel refreshed and closer with God, she was also able to feel a sense of comfort about where she was sending her daughter. We wrapped up our conversation, and she mentioned to me how grateful she was for our ministry – grateful that her daughter and her friends from school have many years of fun and spiritual growth ahead of them at this safe place. This conversation was the perfect way to end a weekend of ministry – an encouraging reminder of the ripple effect Jesus can have in this place – and the opportunity we have to minister to people of all ages with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. 

by: Holly Larson

It is with great excitement that Covenant Pines Ministries announces the calling of Brad and Brooke Shannon to Adventurous Christians.

Brad has served as Lead Pastor of New Life Covenant Church in Twig, MN for the past 13 years. An ordained Covenant Pastor, he has previously served on staff at Bloomington Covenant Church and Covenant Pines Bible Camp. Brad is no stranger to camping having served on summer staff at Bluewater Covenant Bible Camp, summer and full time staff at Covenant Pines Bible Camp, on the board of Covenant Park Bible Camp, as well as on the Adventurous Christians Commission. Brooke has worked alongside Brad as a significant volunteer at New Life Covenant, coordinating the VBS program and Women’s Bible studies. She has been through Tentmakers training, led multiple mission trips and served as a backpack guide in Colorado. Brooke has also worked the past 10 years as Town Clerk. The Shannon’s have three children, J – 11, Ryan – 10 and Katie – 5. Brad made news two years ago when he snowmobiled over 1800 miles from Twig, MN to Churchilll, Manitoba as a fundraiser for a new church building.

“I have known Brad for many years and am excited to work alongside him and Brooke at AC,” says CPM Executive Director, Dave Cairns. “Brad has a heart for ministry and a love of God’s creation. I’m excited for what the future holds at Adventurous Christians under his leadership.” Please join with the Covenant Pines Ministries community in welcoming Brad and Brooke Shannon to Adventurous Christians.

The Shannon’s will begin in early July.
