For the past 12 summers, I have worked at some form of summer camp. Each morning I have been greeted by little voices and prayers and my days have been spent making sure young campers have the best experience possible. This summer, for the first time, my summer camp wasn’t filled with students running around, playing games and worshipping Jesus. At first it seemed impossible to imagine what Covenant Pines could even look like without Trailblazers, SWEATs and a full summer staff of college students. But much like everything else in this COVID-19 world, we had to pivot, adjust, be creative and trust that God would work.

One weekend at one of our Summer Getaways, I got the chance to catch up with a couple that I worked with on summer staff “back in the day.” They now have two children, and told me how excited they were to come up to camp. They explained to me that the two weekends we have traditionally offered for Family Camp never worked with their schedules, but this allowed them to come up to Covenant Pines in the summer – something they have always loved. We made jokes about how they packed their cars with more stuff for the few days they were here than they did for an entire summer on staff and how tie dying t-shirts is like riding a bike – the technique will come back to us. It brought me so much joy to witness this young family enjoying time together at a place that is so special to them – and it was a gentle reminder that the pivots, adjustments and creativity we had spent so much time discussing earlier in the spring would come to fruition. God was at work.

That following Monday, I was looking through our evaluations from the weekend and stumbled upon my friends’ response. I was immediately struck by the generational impact that Covenant Pines can have. When asked the question, “The mission of Covenant Pines Ministries is to encourage campers to take a next step in the Christian faith. How did you experience Christ at camp this weekend?”, my friend responded with this, “It was a joy to see our kids enjoying camp and looking forward to being at camp on their own some day. It is our hope that camp can be a place for them to encounter Christ and grow in their faith as it has for us. Being together as a family in such a special place is such a blessing.”

Sure, Summer 2020 was different. I was saddened to not be surrounded by campers….but I gained a new appreciation for the ways we at Covenant Pines can minister to families.This was such a helpful reminder for me to notice how God is continuing to work in this unique and challenging season of life. As 2020, COVID-19 and the pivots continue, I know God will continue to reveal to us new ways to appreciate and honor Him.

Greetings from AC! It has been an unusual summer for us up here on the Gunflint Trail. Our hands and minds have been busy looking and working ahead even as we miss the hustle and bustle of canoe groups every week.

With a small summer staff we devoted our efforts to rebuilding our Office and Sauna that burned down last summer. So far we have poured the concrete foundation and put up framing for the walls of the Sauna. We see God’s provision in each step of this process through everything from blocks of good weather, volunteers coming to help and materials arriving. It’s exciting and encouraging to see progress being made on this project and we are looking forward to closing in the buildings in the next couple of weeks.

Besides construction, we have been working on setting ourselves up for success by getting a head start on maintenance projects and making COVID-19 plans. Often in the summer months we don’t have time to devote to maintenance projects, so we are taking advantage of these warmer months to get lots of work done. In adjusting to a new normal with Covid-19 we are making plans for how to run fall and winter retreat safely. This unusual season has given us an opportunity to work behind the scenes and prepare for our next season of ministry.  We are praying and hoping for God’s heart to guide us as we make decisions now about things we don’t know about yet or have control over in the future. Please pray with us about wisdom and future plans.

While there will be new and different things this fall at camp, there will be much that is familiar too. Our desire at Covenant Pines is to create a program that invites you all into deeper community with the circles you’re already a part of. We desire to give you space to play together, to laugh together, to slow down together, to retreat and experience God together. And I think that’s the best of what camp is, right? So while there won’t be corporate worship in the sense we’re all used to at camp this fall, there will be space for you to experientially engage in worship. While there won’t be a big game of Capture the Duck, there will be other big games for you to play with your people and compete against the other campers. Senior High Fall Retreat is designed with youth groups in mind. Quilt and Craft Retreat will continue to invite crafters into community together around their shared experiences. Man Camp might be a smaller group but will hold the same playfulness and authentic conversations we’ve come to expect when we’re together. Fall Retreats are a new model of retreat that provide families a breath of fresh air and quality time together.

As I reflect on a new normal as we continue to live with COVID-19 after nearly 7 months of disruption, I feel the deep need for connection. I feel the deep need for community and for the ways I know God shows up when we’re together. Being together looks different then what any of us expected at the beginning of 2020. As we plan and creatively prepare for a different looking fall around here at Covenant Pines, I find God’s Spirit in the truth that we need community. Join us this fall—with your family, your youth group, your friends, whoever—knowing that when we’re together, God’s heart is reflected more fully. I can say confidently that this fall will be filled with much joy and laughter and God’s presence will be felt deeply, all while experiencing community in safe ways this season. God reminded us of his faithfulness this summer, and I know he has new things in store for the seasons ahead.

To learn more about the retreats we are offering this fall, visit our Retreats Page. 

Covenant Pines Ministries has decided to reevaluate our fall schedule due to COVID-19 to make sure camp is as safe and healthy as possible for guests to attend. After a summer of ministry that looked very different, we have made a handful of changes to our calendar to reflect care for our churches and campers. These changes allow campers to be  safe and healthy while at camp; while respecting churches reopening plans. We have made decisions for our fall calendar for the months of September and October, and will be deciding on November and December shortly. If you have questions about these changes, please feel free to email or call our Program Director, Natalie Swanson.

Fall Getaways 

After such great success of our Summer Getaways, and with many churches cancelling their all church retreats this fall, we are pleased to offer Fall Getaways! These weekends will be programmed to a similar rhythm as our Summer Getaways – an opportunity to slow down and participate in as much or as little socially distant camp activity as you want. Sign up to attend a Fall Getaway here.  We plan to offer three Fall Getaways the following weekends:

September 18-20

September 25-27

October 2-4

Women’s Retreat 

We have rescheduled our Women’s Retreat from September 18-20, 2020 to March 19-21, 2020. Registration will open for this in late 2020.

Fall Youth Retreats: 

This summer, we spent time discussing the best way to run a youth retreat this fall. We discussed many scenarios as a staff that included date changes, different capacities and youth group rotations. We invited our Twin Cities Youth Pastors into the conversation to help inform our decision. Our decisions for our Jr. High and Sr. High MEA Retreats, with the input from our Youth Pastors are listed below.

Jr. High MEA 

Unfortunately, we have decided to cancel our Jr. High MEA Retreat this year. Given the dates this retreat falls on our calendar, and our COVID-19 cleaning procedures and turnaround time – this retreat does not seem feasible in 2020. This is of course, a disappointment for us and for our Jr. High campers – we will miss them tons! We will plan and host an awesome Jr. High Retreat as soon as we are able!

Sr. High MEA

We will offer a Senior High Fall Retreat October 16-18. We are shifting this retreat to be more a youth group centric experience – you will need to sign up and attend with your youth group. We will not provide transportation, and the programming will look different – a slower rhythm with no large group gatherings. We are hopeful this retreat gives students and leaders a well needed break to connect with God and with each other in the place they love dearly. If you want to attend this retreat, please talk with your youth pastor for more details. Please know that every church and ministry context is different. We have reached out to many of our youth pastors in the Twin Cities areas and found differing levels of comfortability with a retreat depending on what phase their church is in. Please respect your church and youth pastor’s decision regarding this retreat. Churches that have committed to attending this retreat as of now are: Bloomington Covenant, Excelsior Covenant and Plymouth Covenant. If your church isn’t listed and you are interested in attending, please talk to your church about what their plans are.  When registration opens in early September, we will provide details and instructions to the Youth Pastors to pass on to students.

Silver Beach Family Camp is now available to rent on weekends through the fall and winter retreat season! In this unique time of COVID-19, a family, small group or organizational getaway can make all the difference! With many of our church and program retreats being cancelled, it allowed us to make our Silver Beach Family Camp available to rent throughout the fall and winter. Rentals start with weekends but you are able to stay longer if you’d like by identifying so on your registration. Time at Silver Beach Family Camp will be fairly independent and flexible. If you are interested in renting one of our Lakeside Cabins or our White Pine Cabin, head over to our website for more details on availability and pricing. If you have questions about rental, email Angie Sampson. We’d love to see you for a weekend at Silver Beach!
