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Covenant Pines Ministries

Next Steps Stories from Summer 2024

Our mission at Covenant Pines Ministries is to encourage campers to take a next step in Christian faith. Each summer we look forward to a full season of ministry and opportunities to see our mission in action. After another great summer, we are excited to share some next steps taken around our four ministry centers.

Adventurous Christians: A canoe trip experience at AC is powerful for a multitude of reasons. While on trail, you challenge yourself, learn new skills, collaborate with your trail group and overcome whatever endeavors are thrown your way; all while hopefully enriching yourself spiritually and connecting with God. One high school student this summer shared that coming into his canoe trip with his youth group, he wasn’t very religious. After the week on trail, he connected with God now has a better understanding of his relationship with Him. What an awesome next step!

Covenant Pines Bible Camp: Each week at Covenant Pines we have what we call a “Next Steps Night” where we present the gospel message and ask campers if they have any next steps they can take in their life. We offer staff support through prayer and conversation. During Junior High 2, MANY of the almost 200 students stayed after chapel to talk or pray with a staff member. From these conversations, there were many next steps shared by these campers that included serving in church, getting baptized once they got home and reading the Bible more. One camper who struggles with anxiety and panic attacks shared that praying really helped her, and that she is planning to talk with her parents about her anxiety once she gets home to get better help she needs. Praise God for the next steps of this camper taking care of her mental health!

Covenant Pines Off Site: After the Worship Center Dedication in April, there were many individuals, families and businesses that decided to take a next step in generosity and contribute to the Next Steps Campaign. One individual who attended the dedication is a former staff member who had not been to Covenant Pines in a few years. After feeling inspired after the dedication, this former staff member even decided to start a monthly donation to Covenant Pines!

Silver Beach Family Camp:  One family has been coming to Silver Beach for many years, since their children were young. Their oldest son has always loved coming to Silver Beach and also having the experience at the Bible Camp as a camper. This summer, their oldest son took a next step by joining the staff at Covenant Pines! He spent the summer as a lifeguard and working in the kitchen. This is one of our favorite next steps campers take – to join us on staff someday!
