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Covenant Pines Bible Camp

Youth Camp during COVID-19

As summer registration opened this week, some of you may be wondering – what is camp like for students during COVID-19?  

Youth camp certainly looks different in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, but after hosting families over the summer and offering church retreats as well as a youth retreat this fall, we are confident we can run camp in a safe and healthy way. But what is it like for the students? We talked with Plymouth Covenant Youth Pastor, Craig Sanborn about his students’ experience at our Senior High Fall Retreat.


How many of your students attended the fall youth retreat?

We had approximately 80 students and leaders attend.  

What was their experience like? 

It was different but it was still “camp.” So much has been taken from students this past year. Consequently, students have developed a new and greater appreciation for organizations or ministries offering opportunities for them even if it isn’t exactly what they had previously experienced. During my informal exit polls before we left camp on Sunday students gave the weekend experience rave reviews!

How did your students feel about wearing a mask? 

Nobody loves wearing masks but students have grown accustomed to doing so. Wearing masks is not a hard sell for what they get to experience overall.

Did you feel like camp was safe? 

CPBC has 100% done their part to keep campers safe.

Did the students from your church who attended the retreat have fun, despite the differences in programming? 

My students had a blast! Nobody was blindsided by changes or the differences in programming. They accept the changes and are thankful to be together at a place that means so much to them. Just being there is special! Everything else that happens is a bonus!

How did you coordinate transportation? 

I thought transportation would be a tricky one but families were more than willing and able to do the pick up and drop off. Some families allowed their children to carpool and a couple students received rides from my adult leaders.

Any final thoughts or anything you would like to share about your camp experience during COVID?

Covenant Pines Bible Camp means the world to my students. It’s where they surrendered their life to Jesus. It’s where they make monumental decisions about their future. It’s where they make and build friendships that will last throughout their lifetime. Covenant Pines Bible Camp is the place where they feel free to be who God has created them to be without the worldly pressure to conform and fit it. Therefore, just being on the property is a win and feels like home no matter what the changes are or slight risks that may exist.

To read more about what changes, as well and health and safety measure are taking place in Summer 2021, check out our Summer FAQ page.
