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Covenant Pines Bible Camp

Church Spotlight

First Covenant Church of St. Paul – Hello Dolly!

 We love our churches. We are so blessed by the friendship and support of over 40 Covenant Churches in the Twin Cities area. They help us get the word out about all of our camps, events, and retreats. We want to do the same for them! This section highlights an event that’s coming up in our area.

 This month we want to put the Spotlight on First Cov St Paul. Every fall First Cov partners with a local high school as way to support the community and develop relationships with students. Over the years, more than a few of those students have joined the First Cov youth group because of the friendships they formed during the production. This is a great ministry and a great way to support our youth! Below is the all information you need. We encourage you to go and check it out.
