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Covenant Pines Ministries

Help Plan the Future of Covenant Pines Ministries

Now that the Worship Center building project is complete, we are filled with excitement about the future of Covenant Pines Bible Camp. We have already felt the Spirit move and witnessed campers take next steps in their Christian faith in the few weeks we’ve been using the Worship Center. We are hopeful that the impact and legacy of this new space will continue for years and years to come! As we plan for the future, we invite you to as well, by considering including Covenant Pines in your estate plan.

Planning for your legacy is important. We are committed to establishing trust and transparency with donors so you know what camp’s intentions are with these gifts. If you are considering including Covenant Pines Ministries in your estate plans, know that estate gifts to Covenant Pines go directly to funds that will help with the longevity of our ministry.

Covenant Pines Ministries has two endowments – one Scholarship endowment and one Maintenance endowment. These two funds help build the future of CPM by continuing to support camper attendance and upgrade facilities to meet camper needs. We put 10% of every unrestricted estate gift into the Scholarship endowment, along with 20% into the Maintenance endowment. The remainder of the estate gift will be put into a board restricted fund to plan for the future. Estate gifts are a beautiful reminder to us at Covenant Pines of all the people that went before us and were impacted by this ministry. It is an honor to be able to use these gifts specifically to help us live our mission for years to come.

If you are interested in including Covenant Pines Ministries in your estate plan, talk to your personal financial advisor. If you’d like to get started, we recommend reaching out to Steve Allison at Covenant Trust Company. Click here to get in touch with Steve.

