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Covenant Pines Ministries

Covenant Pines Essay Contest | Tell Us Your Story

We want to hear how Covenant Pines Ministries (CPM) has impacted your life. Your story is important. Your story is meaningful. Your story is why these ministries exist. AC, CPBC, Silver Beach, and Day Camp are meant to be a part of your journey with Jesus. We want to hear about that part of your journey. You may think your story is simple and unexciting, but every story about someone’s walk with God is worth telling.

So here’s what we’re asking: write down your CPM story and send it to us. The winner will receive $100 of their next registration for ANY event or rental at ANY CPM ministry. We will also declare 4 runner-ups in 4 different age categories: 3rd – 5th Grade, 6th – 8th Grade, 9-12th Grade, and Adults. The 4 runner-ups will be awarded $50 off their next CPM registration.

Essay Rules

  1. By submitting an essay, you agree to let Covenant Pines Ministries redistribute it in whole or in part for promotional purposes. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate that when submitting your essay.
  2. When submitting the essay, please indicate your age.
  3. Essays must be at least one page in length, using 12 pt font and 1.5 line spacing.
  4. Essays must be submitted NO LATER THAN MARCH 1ST.
  5. Submit essays to

Essay Guidelines

Below is a suggested outline to help tell your CPM story:

Write about what your life looked like before camp.
Write about your experience at camp.
Write about what your life looks like after camp and how your experience changed/shifted your life and brought you closer to God.
